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ColdFusion 8 Developer Tutorial ebook download


ColdFusion 8 Developer Tutorial

ColdFusion 8 Developer Tutorial

ColdFusion 8 Developer Tutorial

Product Description
Adobe ColdFusion is an application server, renowned for rapid development of dynamic websites, with a straightforward language (CFML), powerful methods for packaging and reusing your code, and AJAX support that will get developers deep into powerful web applications quickly.

This book is the most intense guide to creating professional ColdFusion applications available. Packed with example code, and written in a friendly, easy-to-read style, this book is just want you need if you are serious about ColdFusion.

This book will give you clear, concise and, of course, practical guidance to take you from the basics of ColdFusion 8 to the skills that will make you a ColdFusion developer to be reckoned with.

ColdFusion expert John Farrar will teach you how about the basics of ColdFusion programming, application architecture, and object reuse, before showing you a range of topics including AJAX library integration, RESTful Web Services, PDF creation and manipulation, and dynamically generated presentation files that will make you the toast of your ColdFusion developer town.

This book digs deep with the basics, with real-world examples of the how and whys, to get more done faster with ColdFusion 8.

This book also covers the new features of ColdFusion 8 Update 1.

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The ColdFusion 4.0 Web Application Construction Kit download


The ColdFusion 4.0 Web Application Construction Kit

The ColdFusion 4.0 Web Application Construction Kit | free ebook | download ebook | free download | share ebook
EAN : 9780789718099
ISBN : 078971809X
Author : Ben Forta
Publisher : Que
Pub Date : 1998-12-23
Edition : 3rd
Pages : 1032
Language : English

Description : An all-in-one kit that provides you with everything you need to create Web-based applications using the latest version of Allaire Corporation’s ColdFusion. From the basics of application design to session state management, from database fundamentals to real-time credit card verification and authorization, from dynamic SQL generation to Java enhanced forms, this book contains everything you to need to get up and running in record time. Included on the CD-ROM are evaluation versions of ColdFusion and ColdFusion Studio, complete source code listings, sample applications, and add-on applications and utilities. -This 3rd edition of this highly successful book has been updated to cover recent enhancements to both the ColdFusion Application Server and the ColdFusion Studio development environment. -For coverage of advanced ColdFusion see our other ColdFusion book, “Advanced ColdFusion 4 Application Development”, ISBN 0789718103.

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Core-Plus Mathematics Course 1, Student Edition


Core-Plus Mathematics Course 1, Student Edition

McGraw-Hill “Core-Plus Mathematics Course 1, Student Edition"
Glencoe/McGraw-Hill | 2007-01-01 | ISBN: 0078615216 | 622 pages | PDF | 20,3 MB

Core-Plus Mathematics, is a standards-based, four-year integrated series covering the same mathematics concepts students learn in the Algebra 1-Geometry-Algebra 2-Precalculus sequence.
Concepts from algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics are integrated, and the mathematics is developed using context-centered investigations.
Developed by the CORE-Plus Math Project at Western Michigan University with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Core-Plus Mathematics is written for all students to be successful in mathematics.
Core-Plus Mathematics is the number one high school NSF/reform program and it is published by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, the nation’s number one secondary mathematics company.

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Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine ebook download


Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine

Natural solutions for living a clean and healthy life Health consciousness is an area of transformational and unprecedented growth in the North American public today. More and more people are seeking alternative solutions to conventional medical practices. For many, a natural approach to healing everything from common ailments to serious diseases is preferable when compared to the invasive medical procedures and prescription drugs that abound. Sherry Torkos, one of Canada’s leading pharmacists is widely regarded for her knowledge of complementary medicine. Her latest book, The Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Cures, is the definitive source for alternative health care for Canadians; it is totally comprehensive and easy-tofollow, providing natural cures for everyday problems such as insect bites and muscle aches, as well as for serious chronic disorders such as osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease, and diabetes. Torkos emphasizes the role of lifestyle, nutrition, exercise and supplements in optimizing health and preventing disease. This book features a detailed A to Z reference of ailments and disease, with the latest information on the natural cures that have been proven to assist in their treatment. Detailed information will also advise readers of potential drug interactions that can occur when supplements are taken alongside prescribed medications. Canadians seeking to create a more holistic and personalized health program for themselves and for their families will turn to this reference time and time again.

400 pages PDF 1,6 MB
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Ubuntu Certified Professional Study Guide (Exam LPI 199) (Book & CD Rom) download


Ubuntu Certified Professional Study Guide (Exam LPI 199) (Book & CD Rom)

Ubuntu Certified Professional Study Guide (Exam LPI 199) (Book & CD Rom) | free ebook | download ebook | free download | share ebookEAN : 9780071591102
ISBN : 0071591109
Author : Michael Jang
Publisher : McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
Pub Date : 2008-07-07
Edition : 1
Pages : 547
Language : English

Description :

The Best Fully Integrated Study System Available for Exam LPI 199

With hundreds of practice questions and hands-on exercises, Ubuntu Certified Professional Study Guide covers what you need to know–and shows you how to prepare–for this challenging exam.

  • 100% complete coverage of all official objectives for exam LPI 199
  • Exam Readiness Checklist at the front of the book–you’re ready for the exam when all objectives on the list are checked off
  • Inside the Exam sections in every chapter highlight key exam topics covered
  • Simulated exam questions match the format, tone, topics, and difficulty of the real exam

Covers all Ubuntu Certified Professional exam topics, including:

Ubuntu Community Resources · Installation · Specialized Hardware and Power Management · Automated Installation and Diskless Clients · Basic Commands and File Systems · Updates and Repositories · Printer Configuration · Languages and Accounts · Network Interfaces and Profiles · Network Authentication and File Systems · Configured and Customized GNOME

CD-ROM includes:

  • Complete MasterExam practice testing engine, featuring: One full practice exam; Detailed answers with explanations; Score Report performance assessment tool
  • Electronic book for studying on the go
  • Bonus downloadable MasterExam practice test with free online registration

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Beginning Red Hat Linux 9 (Programmer to Programmer) ebook


Beginning Red Hat Linux 9 (Programmer to Programmer)

Beginning Red Hat Linux 9 (Programmer to Programmer) | free ebook | download ebook | free download | share ebook[eBookThief.com]
EAN : 9780764543784
ISBN : 0764543784
Author : Sandip Bhattacharya, Mark Mamone, Kapil Sharma, Deepak Thomas, Simon Whiting, Shishir Gundavaram
Publisher : Wrox
Pub Date : 2003-07-09
Pages : 600
Language : English

Description : Red Hat Linux 9 is a powerful, flexible open source operating system. Its popularity is growing, both in home use and in corporate environments of all sizes. Its user interface makes it every bit as accessible as other operating systems, and its open source pedigree opens the doors to a mind-blowing amount of free software.
This book guides you through that difficult time that comes just after you’ve installed a new operating system, by giving you the confidence to open your wings and fly with it. We’ll take you through the installation, we’ll get you working, and by the end of the book you’ll have a well-configured, stable, secure operating system and a world of possibilities.
Who is this book for?
This book is for you if you’re using (or planning to use) the Red Hat Linux operating system for the first time. It offers the simple, plain-speaking guidance you need as you begin to explore the vast potential of open source software. The book assumes that you’re familiar with using Microsoft Windows, and aims to help you make the jump from Windows to Linux by introducing it in those terms. No previous knowledge of Linux is assumed.
What you will learn in this book

* How to install Red Hat Linux 9 using the included 2 CD-Rom distribution from Red Hat
* How to use Red Hat Linux 9 to connect to networks, printers, and the Internet
* How to get working - using Office applications, web browsers, multimedia applications, and so on
* How to get the most from Linux - by understanding Linux’s powerful file system and command line interfaces
* How to set up and configure a web server, a mail server, a file server, and various other types of service
* How to secure your machine against unauthorized use - both from the Internet and from internal threats
* How to modify your machine to suit the way you work - installing software to create a tailored working environment

Download Here :

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Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat® Fedora™ 4 Linux® All in One


Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat® Fedora™ 4 Linux® All in One

Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat® Fedora™ 4 Linux® All in One

Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat® Fedora™ 4 Linux® All in One

Product Description

Join an estimated 85% of the U.S. Linux market in using Red Hat’s Linux distributions by learning it from a Fedora authority. Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Fedora 4 All in One is a starter kit that will help you install, configure, and use Red Hat’s Fedora 4 distribution and desktop applications. The easy-to-understand, step-by-step instructions will also show you how to:

  • Use the OpenOffice.org productivity suite and other leading applications.
  • Troubleshoot hardware issues and install new components.

  • Set up a small Linux-based network to share files and resources.

Also included is a DVD, which will provide you with the complete Fedora Core Linux distribution, OpenOffice.org desktop suite, and the leading applications for e-mail, Web browsing, and graphics. Find out how you can safely and reliably use Linux and Linux-based applications to accomplish your day-to-day work in the office and at home with Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Fedora 4 All in One.


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Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat® Fedora™ 4 Linux® All in One


Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat® Fedora™ 4 Linux® All in One

Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat® Fedora™ 4 Linux® All in One

Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat® Fedora™ 4 Linux® All in One

Product Description

Join an estimated 85% of the U.S. Linux market in using Red Hat’s Linux distributions by learning it from a Fedora authority. Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Fedora 4 All in One is a starter kit that will help you install, configure, and use Red Hat’s Fedora 4 distribution and desktop applications. The easy-to-understand, step-by-step instructions will also show you how to:

  • Use the OpenOffice.org productivity suite and other leading applications.
  • Troubleshoot hardware issues and install new components.

  • Set up a small Linux-based network to share files and resources.

Also included is a DVD, which will provide you with the complete Fedora Core Linux distribution, OpenOffice.org desktop suite, and the leading applications for e-mail, Web browsing, and graphics. Find out how you can safely and reliably use Linux and Linux-based applications to accomplish your day-to-day work in the office and at home with Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Fedora 4 All in One.


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Red Hat Certified Engineer -Study Guide DOWNLOAD


Red Hat Certified Engineer -Study Guide

Red Hat Certified Engineer -Study Guide

Red Hat Certified Engineer -Study Guide | 10MB

Inside the book:
This comprehensive, hands-on study guide gives you complete coverage of all objectives for the Red Hat Certified Linux Engineer exam (RH302), hundreds of review questions, and hands-on lab exercises.
Language--- ENGLISH
File Type--- .chm (Compiled HTML File)

Download Links:

Download From Rapidshare


Download From Easy-Share

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Law Made Simple 12E (Learning Made Simple) Download


Law Made Simple 12E (Learning Made Simple)

Law Made Simple 12E (Learning Made Simple)
432 pages | Made Simple; 12 edition (June 1, 2007) | 0750684941 | PDF | 1 Mb
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Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2008 in 24 Hours: Complete Starter Kit (Sams Teach Yourself — Hours)


Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2008 in 24 Hours: Complete Starter Kit (Sams Teach Yourself — Hours)

Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2008 in 24 Hours: Complete Starter Kit (Sams Teach Yourself -- Hours) | free ebook | download ebook | free download | share ebook
EAN : 9780672329845
ISBN : 0672329840
Author : James Foxall
Publisher : Sams
Pub Date : 2008-05-26
Edition : 1 Pap/Dvdr
Pages : 576
Language : English

Description :

In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, you will be up and running with Visual Basic 2008. Using a straightforward, step-by-step approach, each lesson builds upon a real-world foundation forged in both technology and business matters, allowing you to learn the essentials of Visual Basic 2008 from the ground up. Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common questions, issues, and tasks. The Q&A section, quizzes, and exercises help you build and test your knowledge.

By the Way notes present interesting pieces of information. Did You Know? tips offer advice or teach an easier way to do something. Watch Out! cautions advise you about potential problems and help you steer clear of disaster.

Learn how to…

  • Use the powerful design environment of Visual Studio 2008
  • Design feature-rich interfaces using components such as tree views and tabs
  • Create robust applications using modern error-handling
  • Draw fast graphics using GDI+
  • Build a database application using ADO.NET
  • Distribute a Visual Basic 2008 Application
  • Manipulate the Windows Registry
  • Create, read, and write text files
  • Use event-driven techniques to build responsive applications

DVD Includes: Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

On the Web: Register your book at informit.com/title/9780672329845 for access to author code, examples, updates and corrections as they become available.

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Professional Visual Studio 2008 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer) ebook


Professional Visual Studio 2008 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

Professional Visual Studio 2008 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer) | free ebook | download ebook | free download | share ebookEAN : 9780470229880
ISBN : 0470229888
Author : Nick Randolph, David Gardner
Publisher : Wrox
Pub Date : 2008-07-28
Pages : 1032
Language : English

Description : Professional Visual Studio 2008

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 is the latest version in the ongoing evolution of the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and this resource examines the diverse facets of the IDE—from common tasks to intricate functions to the powerful tools that accompany the main code editing and design windows. Written by a unique author duo and offering an in-depth look at the powerful and fascinating features and techniques of the IDE, this book explores each aspect of the development life cycle from the perspective of how Visual Studio 2008 can make your life easier.

Each chapter is packed with examples that illustrate uses for various tools, commands, and shortcuts of Visual Studio 2008. You will gradually learn to identify where a feature is used, conclude how you can use it to its fullest potential, and then seamlessly apply that feature to help solve real-world problems.

What you will learn from this book

  • How to create project templates and wizards

  • Methods for using IntelliSense, code refactoring, class modeling, and unit testing

  • Tips for using DataSets, LINQ, and Synchronization Services for working with data

  • How to build web applications using ASP.NET AJAX, Silverlight, and ASP.NET MVC

  • Ideas for building Office and Mobile applications, WPF, WCF, and WF projects

  • Ways to effectively analyze and identify bugs using the advanced debugging features

  • How to automate repetitive tasks using the Visual Studio 2008 add-ins and macros

  • Suggestions for using Visual Studio Team System components coupled with Team Foundation Server

  • Techniques for building more secure applications

Who this book is for
This book is for programmers who want to become proficient with the latest version of Visual Studio and are interested in the advanced capabilities of the IDE.

Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.

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Fundamentals Of Relational Database Management Systems 2007


Fundamentals Of Relational Database Management Systems 2007

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Interfacing with C++: Programming Real-World Applications


Interfacing with C++: Programming Real-World Applications

Interfacing with C++: Programming Real-World Applications
Springer | April 11, 2006 | ISBN: 3540253785 | PDF | 489 pages | 2.6 Mb

This book is for people who are interested in learning and exploring electronic interfacing as well as C++ programming in a practicable and enjoyable way. Readers will learn to program a PC to do real-world things – not simply number crunching and graphics. They will also master how to write programs that interact with real-world devices through the use of a specially-developed interface circuit board included with the book. The book, interface board and accompanying software incorporate simple and easy-to-understand projects such as digital-to-analog conversion and vice versa, DC and Stepper motor control, temperature and voltage measurement, PC-based timing, or basic data acquisition. The audience of this innovative and rewarding approach to learn interfacing real-world devices to a computer via C++ are undergraduate and graduate students in engineering and science, practicing engineers/scientists, technical workers, and hobbyists. The types of courses the book complements include control engineering, electronics, computing, and mechatronics.

Table of Contents

- Getting Started.
- Parallel Port Basics and Interfacing.
- Testing the Parallel Port.
- The Object-oriented Approach.
- Object-Oriented Programming.
- Digital-to-Analog Conversion.
- Driving LEDs.
- Driving Motors- DC and Stepper.
- Program Development Techniques.
- Voltage and Temperature Measurement.
- Analog-to-Digital Conversion.
- Data Acquisition with Operator Overloading.
- The PC Timer.

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Interfacing with C++ ebook download


Interfacing with C++

Interfacing with C++

Interfacing with C++

Product Description

This book is for people who are interested in learning and exploring electronic interfacing as well as C++ programming in a practicable and enjoyable way. Readers will learn to program a PC to do real-world things – not simply number crunching and graphics. They will also master how to write programs that interact with real-world devices through the use of a specially-developed interface circuit board included with the book.

The book, interface board and accompanying software incorporate simple and easy-to-understand projects such as digital-to-analog conversion and vice versa, DC and Stepper motor control, temperature and voltage measurement, PC-based timing, or basic data acquisition. The audience of this innovative and rewarding approach to learn interfacing real-world devices to a computer via C++ are undergraduate and graduate students in engineering and science, practicing engineers/scientists, technical workers, and hobbyists. The types of courses the book complements include control engineering, electronics, computing, and mechatronics.


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SQL: Visual QuickStart Guide download


SQL: Visual QuickStart Guide

SQL: Visual QuickStart Guide

SQL: Visual QuickStart Guide

Product Description
SQL is a standard interactive and programming language for querying and modifying data and managing databases. This task-based tutorial and reference guide takes the mystery out learning and applying SQL. After going over the relational database model and SQL syntax in the first few chapters, veteran author Chris Fehily immediately launches into the tasks that will get readers comfortable with SQL. In addition to covering all the SQL basics, this thoroughly updated reference contains a wealth of in-depth SQL knowledge and serves as an excellent reference for more experienced users.


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Sams Teach Yourself CorelDRAW 9 in 24 Hours


Sams Teach Yourself CorelDRAW 9 in 24 Hours

Sams Teach Yourself CorelDRAW 9 in 24 Hours | free ebook | download ebook | free download | share ebook
EAN : 9780672315701
ISBN : 067231570X
Author : David Karlins
Publisher : Sams Publishing
Pub Date : 1999-06
Edition : 1st
Pages : 414
Language : English

Description : CorelDRAW is a cross-platform illustration program. This title is aimed at the user who wants to learn the basics of this software, or who wants to become familiar with the features of this version. Topics include drawing and editing shapes; blends and gradients; and placing files onto the Web.

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C++ Solutions for Mathematical Problems download


C++ Solutions for Mathematical Problems

C++ Solutions for Mathematical Problems

C++ Solutions for Mathematical Problems

The objective of this book is to present a substantial introduction to the ideas, phenomena and methods of the problems that are frequently observed in mathematics, mathematical physics and engineering technology. The book can be appreciated at a considerable number of levels and is designed for everyone from amateurs to research workmen.

Included throughout are applications with appropriate suggestions and discussions, whenever needed, that form a significant and integral part of the text book.In a word, the text directs at an all-embracing and practical treatment of differential equations with some methods specifically developed for the purpose controlled by computer programs. The effects of
this treatment, the computerised solutions for each problem, represented in compact form, sometimes with graphical figures, have been provided for further study.


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Speech Quality of VoIP: Assessment and Prediction


Alexander Raake "Speech Quality of VoIP: Assessment and Prediction"
Wiley | 2006-11-03 | ISBN: 0470030607 | 336 pages | PDF | 2,6 MB

Finally a comprehensive overview of speech quality in VoIP from the users perspective!

Speech Quality of VoIP is an essential guide to assessing the speech quality of VoIP networks, whilst addressing the implications for the design of VoIP networks and systems. This book bridges the gap between the technical network-world and the psychoacoustic world of quality perception. Alexander Raakes unique perspective combines awareness of the technical characteristics of VoIP networks and original research concerning the perception of speech transmitted across them.

Starting from the network designers point of view, the different characteristics of the network are addressed, and then linked to features perceived by users. This book provides an overview of the available knowledge on the principal, relevant aspects of speech and speech quality perception, of speech quality assessment, and of transmission properties of telephone and VoIP networks, and of the related perceptual features and resulting speech quality. Discussing new research into the specific time-varying degradations VoIP brings along, but also the considerable potential of quality improvement to be achieved with wideband speech transmission, Alexander Raake demonstrates how network and service characteristics impact on the users perception of quality.

Speech Quality of VoIP:

Offers an insight into speech quality of VoIP from a user's perspective.
Presents an overview of different modelling approaches and a parametric network-planning model for quality prediction in VoIP networks.
Draws on innovative new research on the quality degradation characteristic of VoIP.
Explains in detail how telephone speech quality can be greatly enhanced with VoIP’s wideband speech transmission capability.
Assesses the vast collection of references into the technical and scientific literature related to VoIP quality.
Illustrates concepts throughout with mathematical models, algorithms and simulations.
Speech Quality of VoIP is the definitive guide for researchers, engineers and network planners working in the field of VoIP, Quality of Service, and speech communication processing in telecommunications. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students on telecommunication and networking courses will also find this text an invaluable resource.


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Circuits, Signals, and Systems for Bioengineers: A MATLAB-Based Introduction


Approaches such as the Transfer Function and the Fourier and the Laplace transforms are important tools for bioengineers that often considered borrowed from electrical engineering. This text allows bioengineering students and bio engineers the ability to foster a sense of ownership of these tools by providing them with a solid foundation in the concepts of linear systems analysis.

Circuits, Signals and Systems for Bio engineers guides readers through the basic engineering concepts that underlie biological systems, medical devices, biocontrol, and biosignal analysis. Material important to their study and traditionally taught in an electrical engineering service course can now be embraced by bio engineers. To further enhance the effectiveness of the book, instructive illustrations and MATLAB routines and examples are provided throughout the book with additional material available on a CD-ROM.

* Translates important electrical engineering tools such as Fourier Transform, Laplace Transform, analog modeling, systems modeling, and other linear systems analysis techniques for bioengineering students.
* Includes MATLAB examples and problems.
* Includes CD-Rom with PowerPoint presentations, extra examples, figures, and support routines.

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An Introduction to 3D Computer Vision Techniques and Algorithms


Boguslaw Cyganek, J. Paul Siebert, “An Introduction to 3D Computer Vision Techniques and Algorithms”
Wiley | 2009-03-03 | ISBN: 047001704X | 504 pages | PDF | 12,5 MB

Computer vision encompasses the construction of integrated vision systems and the application of vision to problems of real-world importance. The process of creating 3D models is still rather difficult, requiring mechanical measurement of the camera positions or manual alignment of partial 3D views of a scene. However using algorithms, it is possible to take a collection of stereo-pair images of a scene and then automatically produce a photo-realistic, geometrically accurate digital 3D model.

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the methods, theories and algorithms of 3D computer vision. Almost every theoretical issue is underpinned with practical implementation or a working algorithm using pseudo-code and complete code written in C++ and MatLab®. There is the additional clarification of an accompanying website with downloadable software, case studies and exercises. Organised in three parts, Cyganek and Siebert give a brief history of vision research, and subsequently:
present basic low-level image processing operations for image matching, including a separate chapter on image matching algorithms;
explain scale-space vision, as well as space reconstruction and multiview integration;
demonstrate a variety of practical applications for 3D surface imaging and analysis;
provide concise appendices on topics such as the basics of projective geometry and tensor calculus for image processing, distortion and noise in images plus image warping procedures.

An Introduction to 3D Computer Vision Algorithms and Techniques is a valuable reference for practitioners and programmers working in 3D computer vision, image processing and analysis as well as computer visualisation. It would also be of interest to advanced students and researchers in the fields of engineering, computer science, clinical photography, robotics, graphics and mathematics.

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Learning Programming using MATLAB Ebook free


Learning Programming using MATLAB

Learning Programming using MATLAB

Learning Programming using MATLAB

Product Description
This book is intended for anyone trying to learn the fundamentals of computer programming. The chapters lead the reader through the various steps required for writing a program, introducing the MATLABr® constructs in the process. MATLABr® is used to teach programming because it has a simple programming environment. It has a low initial overhead which allows the novice programmer to begin programming immediately and allows the users to easily debug their programs.

This is especially useful for people who have a “mental block” about computers. Although MATLABr® is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables the user to perform computationally intensive tasks faster than with traditional programming languages such as C, C++, and Fortran, the author shows that it can also be used as a programming learning tool for novices. There are a number of exercises at the end of each chapter which should help users become comfortable with the language.


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Optimizing Windows for Games, Graphics and Multimedia


Optimizing Windows for Games, Graphics and Multimedia

Every Windows user has spent hours trying to figure out ways to optimize system performance. And each of those same users has most likely been frustrated by that process. Understanding Win 9x and tuning it to be more efficient, whether for desktop applications or video-intensive games, can be very time-consuming. This book gives you the tips and tricks you’ll need to make your system run faster than ever before, and you won’t find them in any Windows documentation. Do you really need Internet Explorer? Can you use an alternative shell that will give you a better Windows experience? Maybe you’re wondering if you need a hardware upgrade or if you can tweak your existing system to work faster instead and save you a lot of unnecessary expense? Optimizing Windows for Games, Graphics and Multimedia will answer these questions and save you wasted hours of searching and experimenting on your own computer to find the practical solutions you’re looking for. This book covers:

* General concepts of conserving memory and CPU cycles, processor speed, and disk optimization

* Speeding application launch times

* Utilities bundles and which one is right for fine-tuning your system

* Benefits of partitioning your drive and what tools you need to do it

* What to look for in uninstallers and how to use this valuable maintenance tool strategically

* Replacement Windows shells like Program Manager and freeware shells like EVWM and LiteStep

* Optimizing DOS sessions and Dial-up networking

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Mobile Internet For Dummies Ebook


Mobile Internet For Dummies

Mobile Internet For Dummies

You’re on the go all the time — maybe for business, maybe because it’s a byproduct of your busy lifestyle. But either way, your life would be easier if you had Internet access wherever you are.

Well, when it comes to the Internet, you CAN take it with you! You just need the right stuff, and Mobile Internet For Dummies tells you what that is, how to find it, and how to use it. This easy-to-follow guide is packed with tips on choosing the best mobile device, software, and service provider for your needs, but that’s not all. You’ll see how to use your mobile Web browser, find made-for-mobile content (and create your own) and much more.

Mobile Internet For Dummies explains how the Mobile Internet differs from the garden-variety Internet, and shows you how to:

  • Find your mobile phone browser
  • Use the Mobile Internet to surf, shop, blog, watch movies, and more — on the go
  • Send and receive e-mail from your mobile device
  • Locate other mobile applications
  • Watch TV on your mobile phone
  • Manage your kids’ access to the Mobile Internet
  • Secure and name a mobile Internet site and acquire mobile Web development tools
  • Build your own made-for-mobile Web site
  • Use your Mobile Internet site to promote your business and generate revenue

With the help of Mobile Internet For Dummies, you’ll be able to stay connected wherever you happen to be, and maybe even make it pay off with a bit of income.


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The Ultimate HTML Reference ebook


The Ultimate HTML Reference | free ebook | download ebook | free download | share ebook
EAN : 9780980285888
ISBN : 0980285887
Author : Ian Lloyd
Publisher : SitePoint
Pub Date : 2008-05-19
Pages : 552
Language : English

Description : Sitting at the foundation of every site is HTML. It’s the only language that’s essential to a web site’s very existence. On the surface HTML may seem simple but there’s much more to it that meets the eye. With different versions, many infrequently used elements and attributes, and varying ways that browsers interpret the language, only a comprehensive and up-to-date reference, like this book, has it completely covered.

The Ultimate HTML Reference is your definitive resource for mastering HTML. The entire language is clearly and concisely covered, along with browser compatibility details, working examples, and easy-to-read descriptions. Authored by one of the world’s most renowned HTML experts, this is a comprehensive reference that you’ll come back to time and time again.

This cross-referenced, easy-to-use book covers:

Every element and attribute in the HTML and XHTML Specifications, including an example of its correct use Coverage of deprecated and proprietary elements Detailed browser compatibility information will save you hours of painful debugging and frustration

Download Here :

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Web Standards Creativity: Innovations in Web Design with XHTML, CSS, and DOM Scripting


Web Standards Creativity: Innovations in Web Design with XHTML, CSS, and DOM Scripting

* Be inspired by 10 web design lessons from 10 of the worlds best web designers
* Get creative with cutting-edge XHTML, CSS, and DOM scripting techniques
* Learn breathtaking design skills while remaining standards-compliant
Here at friends of ED, we know that as a web designer or developer, your work involves more than just working to pay the bills. We know that each day, you strive to push the boundaries of your medium, unleashing your creativity in new ways to make your websites more engaging and attractive to behold, while still maintaining cross-browser support, standards compliance, and accessibility. That’s why we got together ten of the world’s most talented web designers to share their secrets with you. Web Standards Creativity is jam-packed with fresh, innovative design ideas. The topics range from essential CSS typography and grid design, effective styling for CMS-driven sites, and astonishing PNG transparency techniques, to DOM scripting magic
for creating layouts that change depending on browser resolution and user preference, and better print layouts for web pages. We’re sure you will find something here to inspire you! This full-color book’s examples are not just stunning to look at, but also fully standards-compliant, up-to-date, and tested in current browsers including Internet Explorer 7. Playing by the rules doesn’t have to mean drab or dull websites—Web Standards can be fun

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The Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design


The Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design

  • Paperback: 600 pages
  • Publisher: friends of ED (November 12, 2007)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1590599071
  • ISBN-13: 978-1590599075

The Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design is a special book—it will tell you all you need to know to design great web sites that are standards compliant, usable, and look great, but not overwhelm you with waffle, theory, and obscure details. It is designed to be invaluable to you, whatever stage you are at in your career, with a mixture of practical tutorials and reference material—beginners will quickly pick up the basics, while more experienced web designers and developers will keep returning to the book again and again to recap on techniques they maybe haven’t used for a while, or look up properties, attributes and other details. It is destined to become a close friend, adopting a permanent place on your desk. It starts off by giving a brief introduction to the internet, and the broad area of web design, before diving straight in to HTML and CSS basics, reusing code, other best practices. It then focuses on all the most important areas of a successful web site—typography, images, navigation, tables, layouts, forms and feedback (including ready made PHP scripts for you to use,) and browser quirks, hacks and bugs. The book is completely up-to-date, covering support of the newest standards in all the latest browsers, including IE 7 and Firefox 2. The last chapter of the book provides several case studies for you to dissect and learn from, including all the most popular web site archetypes—a blog, a store front, a corporate home page, and an online gallery. Then the book is rounded off with several detailed reference appendices covering CSS, HTML, Color references, entities, and more, meaning that any details you need to look up are close at hand.

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Maximum PC Guide to Building a Dream PC


Maximum PC Guide to Building a Dream PC (Maximum PC Guide To...) By Maximum PC, Will Smith
Publisher: Que | ISBN: 0789731932 | 2004 | PDF | 288 pages | 18 Mb

Product Description:

The moment you've been waiting for is finally here. Maximum PC has expanded its bestselling "Building a Dream PC" issue to bring you the more complete Maximum PC Guide to Building a Dream PC. This full-color layout packed with pictures, illustrations and infographics that will show you how to build the perfect PC from the ground up. Written by the top two voices in PC hardware technology, Maximum PC and Que, you will also learn how to tune, optimize and backup your dream PC once it's built. No stone is left unturned in this step-by-step guide, as it gives you tips on how to find the best prices on parts, assemble the PC and tweak the BIOS to maximize performance. PC lovers, look no further-your lifeline is here!

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The AnandTech Guide to PC Gaming Hardware


Anand Lal Shimpi, "The AnandTech Guide to PC Gaming Hardware"
Publisher: Que | 2001-11-19 | ISBN 0789726262 | PDF | 512 pages | 30 MB

Take your PC farther. The AnandTech Guide to PC Gaming Hardware shows you just how to choosethe right parts, assemble your new PC, and squeeze every last drop of performance from it.
* Tired of reading about hardware specs written for the masses? Grit your teeth no longer. TheAnandTech Guide to PC Gaming Hardware provides in-depth coverage of processors, chipsets,motherboards, and memory from a gamer's perspective.

* Although this book covers the latest advancements in PC hardware technology, it spends moretime helping you understand the specs and under-the-hood tricks that will turn your meager PCsinto implements of death and destruction.
* Build your ultimate gaming PC from scratch or overhaul your existing PC. Maybe your PC is theneighborhood slowpoke today, but it could be the resident PC speed demon tomorrow.


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Peter Weverka - PowerPoint 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies


Peter Weverka - PowerPoint 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
For Dummies | 2007 | ISBN: 0470040629 | Pages: 646 | PDF | 13.43 MB

7 books in 1—your key to PowerPoint success!

Your one-stop guide to perfect presentations with PowerPoint 2007

Everybody uses PowerPoint, right? How can you make your presentations pop? Check this handy reference with its easy-to-use minibooks! Once you get going with all the cool new stuff in PowerPoint 2007, you find out how to jazz up your presentations with charts, transitions, photos, animation, and even some ultra-cool power-user tricks.

Discover how to

* Plan and create a presentation
* Use speed techniques
* Handle master slides and master styles
* Customize slides with themes and templates
* Make diagrams and charts
* Create video slides

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Doug Sahlin, Claudia Snell - Building Web Sites All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies


Doug Sahlin, Claudia Snell - Building Web Sites All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

Doug Sahlin, Claudia Snell - Building Web Sites All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
For Dummies | 2007 | ISBN: 0470009942 | Pages: 768 | PDF | 16.11 MB

From idea to online, your key to great-looking Web sites

Your one-stop guide to building a user-friendly site with professional flair

Whether you're building a site to keep in touch with others, sell products, or promote a cause, you want to make sure yours stands out in the crowd. This handy reference shows you how to design an accessible site, create graphics and navigation menus, build forms, insert sound and video, and keep your visitors coming back for more.

Discover how to

* Plan, maintain, and promote a Web site
* Design with users in mind
* Work with HTML and CSS
* Optimize graphic elements for the Web
* Build your site with e-commerce functionality
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Simple Computer Security: Disinfect Your PC


Simple Computer Security: Disinfect Your PC

CA, Jim Geier, Eric Geier, “Simple Computer Security: Disinfect Your PC”
Wiley | 2007 | ISBN: 047006854X | 332 pages | PDF | 7,8 MB

Hands-on guide to the CA Internet Security Suite, which includes Parental Controls (blocks offensive Web sites, controls program use, and monitors Internet activity); Anti-Spyware (sweeps PCs of malicious software like spyware and adware); Anti-Spam (ensures that computer users get messages from people they know, while redirecting messages from people they don’t);

Anti-Virus (detects and removes computer viruses); and Personal Firewall (prevents hackers from attacking a PC)
CA will include a special version of their $70 suite free with this book, which contains separate applications for Parental Controls, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Spam, Anti-Virus, and a Personal Firewall (good for 6 months)



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Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Computer Basics (4th Edition)


Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Computer Basics (4th Edition)

Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Computer Basics (4th Edition)
What can you do with your new PC? The sky’s the limit! Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Computer Basics will show you how to set up and configure your PC, including how to connect to the Internet. Then you’ll learn how to fix your digital photos, create digital scrapbooks, download digital music to your iPod, burn your own custom CDs, watch DVD movies, write letters and memos, balance your checkbook, and create show-stopping presentations. And if you need more computing horsepower, you’ll even learn how to upgrade your PC and add new peripherals. It’s all easy, thanks to Michael Miller’s step-by-step instructions and helpful advice!

Now updated for both Windows Vistaâ„¢ and Windows® XP, Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Computer Basics will have you using your new PC in no time! Here’s a preview of
what you’ll find inside:

* Learn how to set up and configure your new computer, and install new computer hardware and software
* Get the scoop on how to work with Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Vista, and how to personalize it just for you
* Learn how to use the most popular computer programs—including Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® Works, Microsoft® Money, and Quicken
* Connect to the Internet for web surfing, email, instant messaging, blogging, and podcasts—and create your own MySpace page
* Become a digital media pro—learn to work with digital cameras and photos, download and listen to digital music, and burn your own CDs and DVDs
* Find out how to protect your PC from spam, viruses, spyware, and computer attacks
* Learn how to set up a wireless home network and share your Internet connection with multiple PCs


I Getting Started
1 Understanding Desktop PCs
2 Understanding Notebook PCs
3 Setting Up Your New Computer System
II Using Windows
4 Getting to Know Windows Vista

5 Using Windows XP on Older Computers
6 Personalizing Windows
7 Working with Files, Folders, and Disks

III Upgrading and Maintaining Your System

8 Adding New Hardware and Devices to Your System
9 Setting Up a Home Network

10 Performing Routine Maintenance
11 Dealing with Common Problems
12 Protecting Your PC from Viruses, Spam, and Other Online
IV Using Computer Software

13 Installing New Software
14 The Suite Spot: Working with Microsoft Works and Microsoft
15 Letters, Memos, and More: Working with Microsoft Word

16 Crunching Numbers: Working with Microsoft Excel
17 Presenting Yourself: Working with Microsoft PowerPoint
18 Banking and Beyond: Working with Microsoft Money and Quicken
19 Connecting to the Internet—At Home and on the Road

V Using the Internet
20 Sending and Receiving Email
21 Surfing the Web with Internet Explorer
22 Searching the Web

23 Shopping Online
24 Buying and Selling in eBay Online Auctions

25 Exploring Blogs and Podcasts

26 Social Networking with MySpace

27 Creating Your Own Web Page
28 Exploring Other Cool and Useful Websites
29 Sending and Receiving Instant Messages

VI Exploring the Digital Lifestyle

30 Using Your PC with a Digital Camera
31 Organizing and Editing Your Digital Photos

32 Sharing Your Digital Photos Online
33 Playing, Ripping, and Burning CDs
34 Downloading and Playing Digital Music

35 Using Your PC with an iPod or MP3 Player

36 Playing DVDs and Videos on Your PC
37 Downloading and Playing Videos from the Web
38 Making Your Own Digital Home Movies

Michael Miller is the best-selling author of more than 75 how-to books, covering topics such as Windows XP and eBay online auctions. Michael has helped more than a million readers be productive with their PCs and has earned a reputation for practical advice, technical accuracy, and making difficult topics easy to understand.
Category: Computers & Internet
Covers: General Computing
User Level: Beginning
$21.99 USA / $26.99 CAN / £15.99 Net UK



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