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Photo Collage Creator 3.31


Photo Collage Creator 3.31

[Image: xsz7kqmiqse8emwxw7md.jpg]

Quote:Photo Collage Creator is advanced digital scrapbooking and photo collage software that turns ordinary digital pictures and text into personalized works of art.

>>The program combines three amazing functions: dozens of pre-designed fabulous collage templates,
>>more than 50 photo frames, special mask effects, and flexible publishing formats.

Photo Collage Creator includes everything one needs to turn regular digital photos and text into great-looking scrapbook pages suitable for printing, adding to a scrapbook, sharing with friends or hanging on the wall.

Photo Collage Creator also introduces an entirely fun idea to assemble your precious photos into an artistic compilation, completely re-expressing your ideas. Using advanced features such as halo effect, perspective and atmosphere correction, you achieve dazzling results. With the innovative and fast digital collage software, the only limit to what you are able to create is your imagination!

Features :: Photo Collage Creator

Cool Edges & Shapes
Stamp out your images into a variety of creative shapes.

Clip art, everywhere
A lot of clip art images are included to spice up any project. Photos and clip art can be rotated, resized, and placed anywhere on your collage board.

Love those layers
Powerful layering technology enables you to add and arrange photos in your collage any way you want. Position, resize and rotate pictures with simple a click and drag. You can also change opacity of the layers, add shadow and halo effect.

Amazing Perspective
Use unique Perspective function to create amazing effects.

Beautiful templates
Now you may create nice collages in minutes! Choose composition and template, set canvas size, load photos... and your collage is ready!

Author, Author
Insert your own funny slang words, catch phrases or personal sentiments. You choose the font, color, size and location.

Awesome photo effects
Dozens of unique photo effects are included - ancient photo, spray, noise, posterize, emboss...

Save it now, change it later
Save your creation as any of the standard image formats including jpg, bmp, and tif. Save your collage as a project file so its completely editable the next time you open it.

Make beautiful prints
Print your masterpiece using special print dialog.

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LAptoP Battery Doubler 1.3


LAptoP Battery Doubler 1.3

Battery Doubler can double your battery's autonomy with little to no concessions. Install Battery Doubler, unplug AC power and experience total laptop freedom!

* Double your autonomy
Before, your only solution to have a decent battery for your laptop was to buy an extra one. Now, there's a lighter, more efficient, and cheaper alternative: Battery Doubler! Because it doesn't use standard techniques (dim screen light, etc.), but finds out what to turns off what isn't needed, such as, for example, the USB ports, you can get up to twice autonomy without sacrifice comfort.

* Decrease recharge time
Your battery recharges much faster if your computer isn't turned on. That's a fact. Let Battery Doubler redefine a few computer facts - with its Turbo Charge technology, increase up to 10% battery recharge speed when your computer is turned on.

* Recalibrate damaged batteries
After using your battery a lot without paying attention to discharge and recharge it fully every time, its performance becomes very low. With Battery Doubler, simply run the recalibration wizard that does the entire job for you - automatically!

* Easy to use
From the configuration window to the battery status indicator, features, Battery Doubler excels at ease-of use. Our interface fully respects Microsoft's guidelines and is very intuitive. Because you don't always want to read a 300-pages manual before using a software, you will understand how to use Battery Doubler in no time.

* And much more
Battery Doubler features other great functions, such as telling you in hours:minutes your battery's autonomy! It is impossible to list all of Battery Doubler's functions on a single webpage, so why don't you download it and find out how much better your laptop is with it?

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Windows Vortex Vista 3G RED Edition (2009)

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Windows Vortex Vista 3G RED Edition (2009)

System Features
* Windows XP version 5.1 (build 2600.xpsp_sp3_qfe.080814-1300:service pack 3)
* Fully activated 'no activation is needed'
* Microsoft Windows Genuine
* All Microsoft Windows Official Updates until March 2009
* Ability to setup from Hard Disk
* Built-in Serial number
* Vortex Windows Tools version 3.0

Integrated Software
* windows media player 11 with all updates
* Internet explorer 7 with all updates
* DirectX 9.c (4.09.00000.904) for WinXP Post-SP3 November Update
* Microsoft Silverlight v2.0.31005
* flash player
* Windows Side bar

Built-in Software
* windows live messenger (2009)-(14.0.8050.12012)
* yahoo messenger
* real alternative 1.90
* Divx,K-Lite Codec Pack Standard 4.5.3
* winrar 3.8 final
* winamp 5.541
* Ultreiso 9.3.1

* msn explorer
* tour xp
* Sample Music

Main Add-ons
* foxit reader "pdf reader"
* tera copy
* ISO Recorder

* setup screen
* boot screen
* login screen
* wallpapers
* themes
* user pictures
* screen savers
* icons
* cursor
* dialog box
* animation
* sounds
* run, system properties,others

Vortex Tools v3.0

* autorun protection
* autorun remover
* smitfraudfix- spyware fix
* internet cookies cleaner

* advanced systemcare 3
* ccleaner
* everest ultimate
* revo uninstaller
* shutdown timer
* autoruns
* procexp
* diskcleaner
* driverupdate
* registrydefrag
* smartram
* contextmanager
* hd tune
* hw monitor
* mem test
* tweak ui
* win update list
* windrvexpert

* ftp wanderer
* mp3 cut
* pandora recovery
* powermenu
* dexpot
* sound rec
* traktor
* xnview
* notepad2
* search and replace
* siteshoter
* win me startup disk
* diskexplorer

* vista drivers
* vista start
* top desk 3d
* true transparency
* trans bar
* visual task tips
* windows side bar
* styler toolbar
* l clock
* viorb

Extra Control Panel Features
* BootSafe v2.0.1000
* Bootvis v1.3.37.0
* ClearType PowerToy
* CPU-Z v1.50
* Dial-a-Fix v0.60.0.24
* Expired Cookies Cleaner v1.02
* GPU-Z v0.3.1
* HD Tune v2.55
* HWmonitor v1.13
* MemTest v3.8
* Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard
* Microsoft TimeZone <-- Requires .NET Framework
* Microsoft Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel v2.1
* MSI CleanUp Utility 4.4
* New MSConfig
* Regedit
* Startup v2.8 CPL
* Services and Devices v2.7
* Smart Driver Backup v2.12
* TweakUI PowerToy v2.1
* Windows Task Manager
* WinUpdatesList v1.23
* User Accounts 2 CPL


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Default Secrets of the Oracle Database pdf download


Secrets of the Oracle Database

Apress | ISBN-13: 978-1-4302-1952-1 | ENGLISH | PDF | 554 PAGES | | No Pass | 15.23 MB

Secrets of the ORACLE Database brings together a wealth of information on undocumented as well as incompletely documented features of the ORACLE database management system (DBMS). It has been my goal to combine many of the hidden features of the ORACLE database server into a single source. You will be hard-pressed to find the same density of material on advanced, undocumented topics in another book. Certain topics addressed may also be found in articles on the Internet, but I have striven to provide more background information and indepth examples than are usually available on the Internet. The book also contains a significant amount of original material, such as the inclusion of think time in resource profiles for performance diagnosis, an emergency procedure for the conversion of a RAC installation to a single instance installation, as well as the integration of Statspack, Active Workload Repository, and Active Session History with SQL trace.
The book is intended to complement the vast documentation from Oracle Corporation as well as articles found on Oracle’s Metalink support platform. Arguably, the omission of some features from Oracle’s documentation might be considered a documentation bug. Many features, especially among those for troubleshooting (e.g., events) and tracing, remain undocumented on purpose and for good reason, since Oracle Corporation rightfully suspects that they might backfire when used in the wrong situation or without fully understanding the implications of their use. Such features are not the subject of this book either. Instead, this text is centered on those undocumented features that provide significant benefit without compromising the integrity or availability of databases. In this book, a certain feature is said to be undocumented if the full text search of the documentation provided on the Oracle Technology Network2 web site does not yield any hint of the feature’s existence. A feature is said to be partially documented if the full text search does reveal that the feature exists, but significant aspects of the feature are undocumented, thus limiting the usefulness of the feature. Incomplete documentation often causes the need to investigate a feature, which constitutes a significant investment in time and thus money, to reveal the undocumented aspects through trial and error, searching the Internet, or Oracle’s Metalink support platform. A significant number of undocumented aspects unveiled in this text are not addressed by Metalink articles. This book is a highly technical book. I have spared no effort in making the material as easily accessible as possible by not assuming too much previous knowledge by the reader, adopting a clear writing style, and presenting many examples. An occasional humorous remark serves to intermittently stimulate the right brain and perhaps even trigger a grin, allowing the left analytical brain to rest for a moment before tackling more technicalities.


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Animation Magazine 2009 pdf download


Animation Magazine March 2009

IPB Image

Download Link:

File-Size: 5,07 MB
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Horror eComics download


Horror eComic

Click the image to open in full size.

Constantine Movie Adaptation: Hidden from mortal eyes are the angels and demons that coexist with mankind...supernatural beings who seek to influence our lives for better and for worse. Amoral and irreverent renegade occultist and paranormal detective John Constantine is blessed and cursed with the ability to interact with this secret world. When Constantine teams up with skeptical L.A. policewoman Angela Dodson to solve the mysterious suicide of her twin sister, their investigation catapults them into a catastrophic series of otherworldly events -- even as the forces of Hell conspire against Constantine to claim his immortal soul....

Darkness Falls - The Tragic Life of Matilda Dixon:
The town of Darkness Falls hides a terrible secret, the murder, many years ago, of Matilda Dixon, a mysterious widow known as the Tooth Fairy, who lived on the outskirts of town. For a long time, children brought her their baby teeth, she gave them treats. Ultimately, if they didn’t bring them, she came to them. And so it went, until one ghastly night when the town made a tragic mistake. Now, it’s the present, and the Tooth Fairy is just a story used to terrify children. Or is it something more? Sometimes the past won’t go away as easily as people might like.

Horrorcide: A collection of four short stories
2.Torg's Big Day
3.Making Amends
4.Neighborhood Creep

Three eComics
File Format: cbr
File Size: 52.6 MB

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