Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 - The Phantom Fortress (PSP)
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 - The Phantom Fortress (PSP) | Size : 982.60 Mb
On a game plot, four fighters Naruto get in the mysterious illusive lock suddenly formed near to confidential village of a ninjia and exhausting vital energy from its inhabitants. They should pass 100 levels of the lock and to battle to more than 20 kinds of enemies, using a combo-attack, blows in flight and various receptions to understand, for what the woman ruling the lock in a mask so does not love them.
Name: Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 - The Phantom Fortress
Year of an exit: 2008
Genre: 3D Action Fighting Online
It is let out: Namco Bandai Games
Language: English
Features of game:
* One hundred levels for their studying, each of which distinguishes the fights, events, fights and riddles.
* Having passed full of minigames and abrupt subject turns campaign, players can arrange fights with each other.
* It is possible to arrange battles between two PSP even if the game copy is only on one.
System requirements:
Insertion on: 3.90 М33-3
1. We connect PSP to a computer
2. Enter on PSP in folder ISO
3. In it we fill in an image
4. We come into menu Game, in Memory Stick
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