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KoolMoves v7.0 Retail


Used by both professionals and novices to create rich interactive content for web sites, KoolMoves is a popular
Flash authoring tool with rave industry reviews!

Combining ease-of-use with a wealth of powerful animation effects, KoolMoves makes it easy and inexpensive to
create professional quality animations for web sites.

As Adobe Flash® has developed into the standard for animation on the web, KoolMoves has emerged as an advanced
but low cost alternative to Flash.

Import images and sounds X X
71 action script based text/image effects X X
100 stylish text effects templates X X
343 clip art items and buttons X X
Wizard for adding Flash animation to web page X X
Capture frames for gif animation X X
Easy to use customizable preloaders X X
Many unique views of the animation X X
Slide show wizard X X
Banner wizard X X
43 customizable 3D effects X
40 media player skins X
28 web interface templates X
4 skill levels (wizards to cartooning) X
Import Flash animation as object or editable X
Import FLV Flash video X
Full set of drawing/shape manipulation tools X
Dynamic text X
Flash 9 action scripting (AS3) X
Flash 8 filter/blend effects X
16 interface components (e.g. slide show) X
Masking X
Import/export SVG X
Ease in/out tweening X
Variable line width X
Character animation bones X


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