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68 Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure (G)


68 Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure (G)

Get down: 68 natural ways to lower blood pressure
It's an emerging epidemic in North America: One out of every three people has pre-hypertension, a condition that leads to high blood pressure. And most of them don't know it.
Don't assume that your blood pressure is normal lust because it used to be. Get it checked often. Once high blood pressure develops, it usually lasts a lifetime. Sure, you can lower it with treatment. But stop treating it, and it goes up again. It's easier and wiser to prevent high blood pressure in the first place.
So fight this key risk for heart attacks, strokes and kidney disease now. Read on to learn about assessing your risk--and about 68 natural options for preventing high blood pressure. And be assured that even the 50 million Americans currently afflicted with high blood pressure can lower their readings by following our prevention plan.

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