Uniblue PixelPerfect 1.0
Uniblue PixelPerfect 1.0
Uniblue PixelPerfect 1.0 | MB | 15.3 win
PixelPerfect 1.0 by Uniblue is an advanced photo editing toolset software that will enable us, professional or not, to edit, fix and modify photos in just a few clicks. We can import our photographs and images and modify their exposure, adjust color levels, resize, enhance and share them with our family and friends. It also keeps them safe and organized. At the moment, this program is not available for purchase on its own from the developer's website as they are giving it free of charge when purchasing the PowerSuite 2009 package.There is not a free downloadable trial demo by the time being. It runs under Windows 2000, XP and Vista Operating System.
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