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Kaspersky Tweak Pack 3.0

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Kaspersky Tweak Pack 3.0
In the new version were selected only the best tools. For many utilities are required .NetFramework 3.5.
CUCANCHIC (update 8.05.2009) - program to obtain activation keys from Kaspersky, removes triallnost product change beta on final and at the traffic, freezing 30 day trial, work with the Chinese keys, etc.

Keys manager 0.36R – best program is designed for sorting of any quantity of keys with simultaneous check of their period of validity and status of the record, “Black List”. “Black List” is taken from Casper. Very convenient program!

Kaspersky2009TrialReset 2.3- reset trial Kaspersky 2009 (XP + Vista) .
KasperskyTrialResetterv1_8_by LARRY - reset trial for the entire range of Kaspersky antivirus (XP + Vista). Now, activation for 30 days is valid forever.
KIS Tweak Util 1.999.68.390 (KTU) - undocumented change settings in your antivirus. Also - the opportunity to perform some service functions, which means staff realized only through the Anti-Virus management console, or not implemented at all. required. NetFramework 2.0). Find and delete the incompatible software (as a rule, other antivirus and network screens). Recovery after connection skins, not intended for the version of Anti-Virus. Creating a signature database for local updates.
KavKisKeyDownloader - program to obtain the keys from the internet (only works with versions 6-7).
KasperskyTester Toolkit (KTT) 2.012- is designed for convenient beta testing KAV / KIS. Integrate into the product without a break in self-defense (!). With the embedded plug-ins, she creates mirrors for updating KAV / KIS, sends files trassirovok automatically compressing memory dumps, has been collecting information about the product.
KasperskyTuning Wizard (KTW) 3.0 - to find the “problem” settings in KAV / KIS and without problems to eliminate them, will prompt the user about the disabled themselves in KAV / KIS. Also, the utility will help gather the necessary information that will need to contact the technical support “Kaspersky Labs.
Kaspersky InFormer (kif) - is a system of global alert and inform. In fact, it is similar to the RSS only essentially it surpasses. Particularly wish to note powerful system optimization of the traffic, the program swings only new messages.
KeyViewer 4.0 - program to view information on the keys.
Create Update Mirror (CUM) - create mirror updates from bases established and correctly updated from servers updates «Kaspersky Labs» antivirus product for the subsequent updating of an identical product locally based catalog (table updates). It works only with versions 6-7.
KAVremover 9 (02.2009)- irreplaceable program for complete removal of Kaspersky Anti-Virus. If you set the password on Kaspersky and have forgotten, this program will help to cope with it. Works with all versions.
Kaspersky Key Sharing Network (KKSN) v2.4.1d - program to automatically search for and racing fresh keys with the Internet.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0 Pre-Activated Install Generator – automatic activation of Kaspersky antivirus.
How_to_Activate_Kaspersky_using_Chinese_Key – how to activate the Chinese keys.
Kaspersky_AntiBlackList (2009) – lock the «black list» of keys. Now, your key may not work indefinitely. Tested on version 7 of Kaspersky.
+ list of servers for updating
+ selection of keys for products Kaspersky tested 10.05.2009
+ Instructions for installing the keys

Changes in version 3.0:
- Updated Keys manager
- Updated KIS Tweak Util
- Updated KAVremover 9
- Updated Kaspersky Tester Toolkit
- Updated Kaspersky Tuning Wizard
- Updated selection of keys for products Kaspersky checked for 10.05.09
- Added Kaspersky2009TrialReset 2.3
- Added Kaspersky Key Sharing Network (KKSN)
- Added the instruction to activate the Chinese keys
- Added Kaspersky_AntiBlackList 2009
- Added KasperskyTrialResetterv1_8_by LARRY
- Added instructions for using the activation key for Kaspersky 2009
- Remove outdated and unnecessary programs.

(all programs tested - working! viruses NO! logical that Kaspersky will find some programs as viruses because they have it cracks)


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