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REAPER 3.5 Free Full Download


REAPER 3.5 rev 12665 (x32/x64) | 10 MB

REAPER - Compact audio editor for creating, editing and recording of multichannel audio tracks with the possibility of processing each track individually. REAPER allows you to use during processing many audio effects technology supports ASIO, Kernel Streaming, WaveOut and DirectSound for playback and recording. Supports work with files in formats WAV, OGG, MP3, MIDI (reading) and WAV, MIDI (record), volume controls, a change of boundaries of the track, allows multi-level undo / redo, and much more.

Basic features:
- Portable - supports running from USB keys or other removable media
- 64 bit audio engine
- Excellent low-latency performance
- Multiprocessor capable
- Direct multi-track recording to many formats including WAV/BWF/W64, AIFF, WavPack, FLAC, OGG, and MIDI.
- Extremely flexible routing
- Fast, tool-less editing
- Supports a wide range of hardware (nearly any audio interface, outboard hardware, many control surfaces)
- Support for VST, VSTi, DX, DXi effects
- ReaPlugs: high quality 64 bit effect suite
- Tightly coded - installer is just over 2MB

v3.5 - May January 2010
+ Action: fully unload unloaded VSTs (useful if preferences / VST / fully unload VSTs is disabled)
+ Action: fixed potential crash when manually resetting MIDI devices
+ Action: toggle show / hide all floating windows except floating toolbar
+ Action: crop to time selection handles MIDI and other beat-based media properly
+ Action: insert multiple new tracks allows entry of any reasonable number
+ Actions dialog: better support for finding by gestures and mouse hwheel
+ Color theme: use tcp_solodefeat_on, mcp_solodefeat_on button images if they exist
+ Import: added option (prefs / media) to not autoname tracks when importing media
+ Media item crossfades: fixed slow shift + drag of crossfades in one direction when zoomed out
+ MIDI editor: better handling of horizontal zoom when edit cursor is not onscreen
+ MIDI editor: fixed list editor broken event deletion (since 3.4)
+ MIDI editor: more accurate drawing of MIDI events when dragging right to left
+ MIDI editor: properly export events that occur on the last sample of the media item
+ MIDI editor: support for Device Name and Song Select messages
+ MP3: encode audio that has peaks higher than +0 dB without clamping
+ Multiproject: no stop of background recording projects when stopping current and sync option set
+ OSX: fullscreen is now by default set to Cmd + F11 rather than (non-working in stock OS X) F11
+ ReaXComp: properly recall which band is soloed when loading projects
+ ReWire: slave support for projects with tempo maps
+ ReWire: better behavior when authenticating for ReWire device install on OS X
+ ReWire: better slave synchronization with various other hosts
+ ReWire: per-project slave settings for tempo map, loop point handling, buffer block offset
+ ReWire: slave can automatically build tempo map as master plays back
+ Solo defeat (set tracks to always play even if other tracks are soloed)
+ Trim behind items: fixed possible hang when editing left edge of multiple selected items
+ Video: added "mp4" and "m4v" filetypes to the video decoder plugin
+ Video: added setting to disable FFmpeg decoding
+ Video: the "FFmpeg" subfolder will now be scanned for FFmpeg DLLs in both the program and user folders
+ Video-FFmpeg: added support for rendering into FFV1 and Huffyuv lossless video codecs
+ Video-FFmpeg: fixed crash when importing certain video files
+ Video-FFmpeg: fixed video files containing a 24bps audio stream
+ VST: plug-ins that are not fully unloaded are still unloaded at exit (fixes Yellow Tools plugins)
+ WAV: when reading files that are growing, autodetect length changes.

Operating system: Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Released: 2,010
Version: 3.5 rev 12665 (x32x64)
Language: English




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