How to Find a Job on Social Networks ebook download
Find a Job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace,Orkut
Finding the job of your dreams the old way just doesn?t happen anymore. If you want great pay, great benefits, and great satisfaction in your career, you must begin social networking.
How to Find a Job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Other Social Networks helps you take full advantage of the bounty of opportunities to be found on the most popular sites. Online job-search experts Brad and Debra Schepp take you step-by-step through the process of joining networks, creating effective online profiles, and successfully . . .
# Marketing yourself
# Building a network of business contacts
# Connecting with employers
# Getting recommendations
# Finding new leads
Mailing a r?sum? and hoping for the best simply puts your fate in the hands of others. To stay in the running, you have to take control by keeping your information fresh and current?in real time. Online social networking is the only way to go, and this forward-looking guide is the best way to get there.
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