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Teleport Pro v1.59 free full download


Teleport Pro v1.59

Teleport Pro is an all-purpose high-speed tool for getting data from the Internet. Launch up to ten simultaneous retrieval threads, access password-protected sites, filter files by size and type, search for keywords, and much more. The most fully-featured and robust webspider available, Teleport Pro handles today's more complex websites flawlessly. Capable of reading HTML 4.0, CSS 2.0, and DHTML, Teleport is the only webspider that really finds all of the files on all of the sites. And with server-side image map exploration, automatic dial-up connecting, Java applet support, variable exploration depths, project scheduling, and relinking abilities, Teleport Pro is quite simply the best there is.

Teleport Pro's big brother, Teleport Ultra, has Pro's intuitive interface and easy-to-use project-based design -- but it also has the ability to scan up to 260,000 addresses in a single project. Like Teleport Pro, Teleport Ultra can handle multiple servers in a single project, dramatically improving its throughput. Its larger database, however, allows it to handle much larger websites and more servers, enabling you to download much more information in a single project. (And if you need even larger capacity, try Teleport VLX.)

» Cookie support lets Teleport mimic browsers more effectively
» Javascript parsing capability for better, more thorough exploration of complex sites
» Ten simultaneous retrieval threads get data at the fastest speeds possible
» Reads all variants of HTML 4.0, CSS 2.0, and DHTML; performs some Javascript analysis
» Can retrieve files from FTP servers
» Full offline browsing and site mirroring capabilities
» Project Scheduler lets you schedule projects to run at any time, on any connection
» Automatic connect/disconnect system lets Teleport handle dial-up Internet connections for you, saving phone charges and connection time
» Java applet retrieval gets Java classes and base classes
» Retrieval filters let you download only files matching desired type and size constraints
» Independently configurable internal and external exploration depths
» Server-side image map exploration -- translates server-side maps into client-side maps for offline browsing
» Accesses password-protected sites
» Full proxy server and firewall support
» Domain Dispersed Querying™ ensures that slow servers do not affect retrieval speed
» Server Overload Protection™ prevents remote servers from overloading and dropping connection early

Version 1.59, Feb 06 2009:
- Added ability to accept error pages as actual content in Ultra and larger spiders
- Added ability to set file modification date to match the server-reported file modification date (where available)
- Improved HTTP system to detect wider range of redirections

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