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Inesoft Phone 4.5 Final | 5.6MB


Inesoft Phone 4.5 Final | 5.6MB

  Inesoft Phone 4.5 Final

Inesoft Phone - a simple and effective way to turn your communicator in an advanced phone with lots of easy to use functions. Operational Phone and Caller ID, the change of regimes according to the schedule, instantly search for contacts and much more. In a word - all that you do not have enough in Windows Mobile.

Buttons large size make it easy to dial a phone number or search for T9 to your address book. Search will be carried out on behalf of the company’s name and note. Now you quickly and easily find the desired phone number in your address book even if you have thousands of contacts.

Caller ID
Receiving incoming calls, Caller ID will provide all necessary contact information: name, photo, phone number and company name. A single click will also allow to carry out such actions as: back, to include handsfree, SMS reply or disable sound.

History in Inesoft Phone displays not only a timeline of calls, but also makes it possible to browse SMS, calls sort of contact, monitor your duration of your incoming and outgoing calls.

In the Favorites list, you can add an unlimited number of selected contacts and select a convenient size of the buttons for their display.

Using Profiler, you can specify: mode switching according to your schedule, the duration of the selected mode, switching the mobile device in the automatic mode, and much more.

Address Book
Full address book, which you can manage your contacts: Add any contact information, make notes, create additional fields that are not included in the standard address book.

Special opportunities
From Inesoft Phone made possible such unique features as: the inclusion of vibration at the connection, voice mail SMS, blocking unwanted calls, set the melody for the category, substitute the name of the phone number in the body of SMS, an audible reminder of missed calls and SMS.

What’s new in version 4.5:

• Video: fully automatic procedure for the purchase of the program (one-touch);
• Video: automatic updates;
• added: new plugin Today;
• Video: Russian version added sound to warn of missed calls or SMS;
• added: the configuration is added to show in the system tray icon CallerID;
• Video: two-digit numbers for speed dialing;
• Added: the file skin.ini (settings for CallerID) added ability to customize various features of hard-knopkok
Example 1: to assign to the left hard button speakerphone, you must add the line ‘hard_key = 112′ in section [Button] to this button (c id 6)
Example 2: to assign the right of hard-button response via SMS, you must add the line ‘hard_key = 113′ in section [Button] to this button (cid 7)
• fixed: bug in the profiler, the volume associated with the persistence of the system after a reboot;
• Corrected: English layout ABC-bar is not looking for contacts that begin the letter “Z”;
• fixed: reduced delay display the incoming call to communicators HTC;
• fixed: removed the appearance of buttons above the keyboard windows dialer (on some devices).

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