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Pizzicato Pro 3.4 full download


This program allows you to compose, write, listen to, record and print your music
Just as you use a word processor to write your mail, you can write, play, print and publish your music with Pizzicato, a music notation software.
Yes, your notes, your music on paper with a professional quality. At home.
Before going further: remove any idea related to music being difficult or composition being impossible to learn without 10 years of study, because
if you follow it step by step, the Pizzicato music course will show you exactly the opposite!
Pizzicato Light is suited to learn music and/or make your first steps in computer assisted music
Pizzicato Beginner and Professional are perfect to write, compose, print and listen to your music scores.
On the Pizzicato screen, you see the empty staff to fill. To add notes and rhythms, you will use a graphic palette with the values of notes and rests. To add a note, you click on the symbol and then click on the staff, at the desired position. The note appears.

download: 30Mb

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